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The Moon of Caution

The First Quarter Moon is also the Moon of Caution. This phase urges one to take action in their life. During this time, one may deal with self doubt, obstacles, or discouragement from themselves and others to keep moving forward with their goals and desires. The best solution to this is to accept it as part of the journey, rather than allowing it to end the journey. This is the best time to manifest positive outcomes and focus on what you want to attract, achieve, and your intentions. Here are the best crystals to have at your alter during this time:

Citrine: This stone helps attract prosperity and abundance. This stone also boosts imagination, creativity, focus, clarity, happiness, and alertness. In addition, it assists with memory, personal power, self-confidence, and decision making. This stone will also help one with attracting spiritual visions. Keep this crystal where you usually store your money for wealth increase.

Carnelian: This stone promotes motivation, endurance, leadership, and courage. This stone helps one to take action, and with fixing issues you may have been avoiding. This stone also boosts prosperity and good luck.

The best herb to have as an essentotal oil, tea, or tincture under this moon is Rosemary. Rosemary has a strong, fresh herbal aroma that is uplifting and promotes focus. It also helps one to remain aligned with their true self and purpose. This is also a great herb to use under this moon because it also assists with removing negativity and self doubt.

The First Quarter Moon is the phase where it may be difficult staying focus and confident in achieving your goals. Do not allow the self doubt and discouragement from others prevent you from moving forward. In addition, do not allow the lack of tangible results from the work you have already completed keep you from completing the bigger picture. This is the best time to keep moving and remove all negative energy. Use these crystals and herbs at your alter with intentions to remove negative emotions and to stay focused.

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